Things I Will Miss
- Evenings in my parents' kitchen
- Fresh pineapples
- Being able to take a nap anytime of day
- The smell of laplap leaves hitting hot stones
- Exchanging hellos with everyone I see
- My sister and everything about her - my first, my most loyal, and my best friend in Vanuatu
- The warmth and humidity
- Regularly seeing sights out of National Geographic - dolphins, sea turtles, flying fish, parrots, etc.
- Being a part of the Peace Corps family
- Living in a country where everyone is a good dancer
- The "Ambae Girls"
- The rare experience of living in a foreign country where Americans are loved and respected
- Banyan trees
- The simplicity of life without electricity
- The overwhelmingly lush greenness of the jungle
- Roosters
- Rainy season
- My sister's cat (and kids for that matter) leaving turds outside my house everyday
- Dirty feet
- Cold bucket showers
- Carrying heavy bags and cartons 2 hours uphill
- Spiders falling on my face, rats using my clothes for nests, cockroaches getting into my food, lizards committing suicide in my wash bucket, slugs leaving trails on my dishes, and ants invading every meal
- Having to leave my house in the middle of the night to use the toilet
- Living under a microscope and being stared at all the time
- Mold infestation
- Rationing my toilet paper
- Sexual proposals that begin with: "I've always wanted to sleep with a white girl. . ."
Highly vigorous blog, I liked that much. ParkroyalKualaLumpur